"I no wike dos. Day yucky."
Holy giant sting ray Batman!
The only way to get a picture with him is to hold him down!
Holy giant sting ray Batman!
The only way to get a picture with him is to hold him down!
Today was the first "warm" daywe've had in weeks. And by warm I mean it wasn't in the 20's or 30's. It was high 40's! Jax & I decided to take advantage of the "warmth" and sunshine and get some fresh air.
So out to the front we went to practice riding the tricycle he got from Santa last Christmas. As we were going outside, Brian says to me, "Let's see how good a teacher you really are! I haven't been able to get him to use the pedals yet." Well, those were fighting words! No one was going to tell me I couldn't teach my kid to pedal, I mean I can teach 20 plus kids each year to read, why can't I do this? To be honest, I was this cocky because I knew Jax was super close to using the pedals so I wasn't going to fail too badly!
I was right! He did it! He is finally able to use the pedals forward and go a significant distance, from our house to the end of the cul-de-sac. That's about 4 houses. Here's the video of the momentus event. Had to have proof so I could rub it in Brian's face :)
PS I love the shout outs he gave as he was riding! He wanted the whole world to see him!
...had our ornament exchange
Um yeah, trying to take a good picture of the 3 of them was not successful!The kids favorite part was coloring in front of the turtles
Our first go around the rink we held hands. I was paranoid of him falling and hitting his head. Let me tell you, the rink is MUCH bigger when you are holding onto a 2year old's hand who goes negative 5 mph! It seemed never ending, but we got around. On our second go around, I reached for his hand and he tells me, "No. I can go by myself. I no need to hold your hand." Ouch. Another heartbreaking moment. Doesn't a little boy always need to hold his Mama's hand?Oh, but he could hold Kaitlyn's hand. How adorable are they?
Our fun with friends ended on New Year's Eve with the Bunches and the Kochvars. My camera was acting weird so I didn't need many pictures. But Jaxon was awake to ring in the new year! And even though it went against my sleep schedule, my heart couldn't have been happier to have Jaxon sitting on my lap and Brian next to me when the ball dropped.
Look at the pure joy on his face!