Thursday, December 23, 2010

On the Naughty List

This morning Jaxon wanted to do some "work" on the"puter". Well, like all toddlers, he got side-tracked with some tape. By the time I noticed he had the tape, he had already unrolled about a foot of it. I took it away and put it back in the drawer. After he yelled about not taking his tape away, he picked up the cell phone on the desk and says,
"Hewoe Santa. My mama is naughty. She tell me no. No bring her presents. She take my sticky tape." He puts the down, looks at me and says, "I call Santa. I tell him you naughty." Sweet!

It was all I could do not to bust out laughing. I mean, I know he's being a brat, but I can also appreciate his cleverness. The best part is that he picks up the phone a second time and says, "Hewo Santa. Rora is a good girl."
OMG! I could eat him up... bratty or not!

Later that evening, he's coloring and announces to Rora. "I putting on my makeup. I going out."

This kid is too much. Not sure what I'm going to do with him. Seriously getting nervous about sending him to school.


Sarah said...

HAHAHAHHA! love it! that picture of him with the make-up on will make some good blackmail material when he is older :)

Mary said...

He will get the "best smile award" in kindergarten...ha ha! That is too cute!

Mrs. Lofgren said...

I love reading about Jaxon's adventures! He has such a good imagination and says the cutest things. Have a merry Christmas!

Nicole said...

Ok we have to get Delaney and Jaxon together.... the conversations would be down right hysterical! That was great!