Friday, April 24, 2009

Father & Son go Golfing

As the weather in ABQ has started to warm up, Brian has been thinking of a way to take Jaxon golfing with him ( I think this is his way of "getting permission" to golf whenever he wants). Finally he figured it out! He would strap Jax's car seat to the golf cart and off they would go. Apparently my idea of just letting Jax crawl around the fairway and greens was not a good one. Yesterday the weather was finally good enough (warm, sunny & no wind) for a boys day out!

The boys are ready!

Bye bye Mama!

Fortunately, we live in a golf course community (are you shocked?) and if Jaxon were to start acting up it would be easy enough for Brian to drop him off and go back out by himself. We were thinking he would last maybe half an hour. Well, to our pleasant surprise, he lasted 6 holes! Brian seems to think he can go 9, but they got stuck behind some slow players. I think we might me on to something here. I am all for it, that means some Mama Time!
Golfing Buddies

Lucy chasing the golf cart. She wanted to go too!

No, we do not own a golf cart. Brian made a quick stop at home because he forgot something (again, are you surprised?).

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