Thursday, January 24, 2013

Another Jaxon Gem

I'm starting to be concerned about anyone who wrongs Jaxon, you know, a waiter, a customer service person, anyone. He seems to have a knack for writing nasty letters if he doesn't get his way. 

Today he chose our school librarian to be the lucky recipient of one of his letters. This morning before school we walked through the library and he decided he wanted a Star Wars book. Unfortunately for the librarian, she didn't have one on hand. She told him she would search the cart, which holds paperback books and are not alphabetized, and put it in my box when she found it. 

This was not good enough for Jax. When I went outside for recess later, I see Ms. Courtney waving me over with a paper in her hand. Uh oh. 

"Dear The Lady Who is the Boss of the Library, " is how the letter begins. 
"When will I be able to find my book? I want it before we go outside. I want a Star Wars book. They are all chapter books. Did you look on the cart for the one with pictures? How many minutes or hours will it take?
Love, Jaxon
PS I hope it's before I leave to go home."

Aye chihuahua. What am I raising???

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I seriously love this child!