Saturday, November 13, 2010

Christmas Shopping

One of my favorite parts of Christmas was getting the HUGE Sears or JC Penny's catalog in the mail and just pouring over the toy section. I used to love looking at all of the toys and just dreaming of what I could have. I still am that way. Ami gave me her Premier Jewelry catalog and I have spent hours looking at everything, planning which tops I can wear with each necklace or what type of top I'll have to buy when I get a the new necklace!

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree because my son seems to be the same way! We got a Constructive Playthings catalog and it was on our ottoman when Jaxon snatched it up and found the toy of his dreams!

It is a Dinosaur Park.

This is the description: "Journey back in time with our 3-dimensional, wooden environment inhabited by 12 vinyl dinosaurs. The assembled structure stands at 23" L x 14" W. x 13" H. with inviting nooks and crannies on all sides and levels. A card stock mat completes the scene. "

Sounds perfect for a future palentologist.
He looks like such a big boy here. sniff sniff

Once he saw it he says, "I want dis. I get dis for Christmas." He has taken it to the potty with him, in the car, while eating dinner, and even to bed. I guess I better give Santa a call about this one!

13 down 17 to go!

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