Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's Day

We spent a great Father's Day this year... on the road! We had to leave Tucson a day early because Brian had to work on Monday. Our drive was SO much better this time. We left my parent's house right before Jaxon's morning nap, so he fell asleep almost immediately after getting in the car. That was nice. We also were smart and bought a portable DVD player. We weren't sure if this would work since Jaxon isn't really a TV watching kid, but when you have to have a 1 year old strapped in the car seat, you'll try anything. Boy was this the best money we had ever spent! He was quiet for almost an hour and half! I did have to sit next to him and hand him toys every few minutes (he's like his mama, a multi-tasker).
Love the crossed legs!

Once we get home I give Brian his Father's Day present. Before I went radioactive, I had Jaxon finger paint some pictures for Brian (you can take the girl out of kindergarten, but you can't take kindergarten out of the girl). Once I got back to ABQ I put them into a frame. Much to my dismay Jaxon was not a fan of the fingerpainting! I think his Auntie Sarah has rubbed off on him with the not liking crafts!

Getting ready for finger painting! Lucy is clearly excited.

"Look, it's fun!", says Mama. "I'm not so sure." thinks Jaxon

All right, I'll try.

"I don't like it!", screams Jax. "OOO it's ok."

Get me outta here!

The finished product

Opening presents. Jaxon likes this!

Happy Father's Day Dada!

PS Keeping up with our tradition, Jax did have a Father's Day shirt on! I can't believe I didn't take a picture of it :(


Ami said...

The project came out SO CUTE!! I love the sticker words! That is perfect! Good job!

Jaymee said...

Very clever! We switch out ideas so we have new stuff to give the dads: ) Of course you will need more craft boxes as Jax gets older...