Sunday, February 26, 2012


It seems as if Jaxon has been on a roll lately. He is seriously too funny! As much as 3 has been difficult, I am so going to miss this age. I love his imagination and his curiosity. I love how he is uninhibited and will ask and say what is on his mind.

I absolutely love to spend time with him and just chit chat. Yes, he drives me batty with all of his questions, but it is fascinating. 
Here are a few of my favorites from this past month...

J - "Is barbeque sauce a liquid? Is beart a liquid?" M- "You mean beard? No a beard is not a liquid." J- "No Mom! Beart like what Daddy drinks!"


"Does Barrack Obama have a nickname?"


 "I don't want another baby. Reesey is enough."



Looking at the Quaker Oats guy, "What's his name? Harry Johnson?"


" I love Reesey so much. She is my favorite girl in the whole world!"


While practicing cutting and showing Jaxon the correct way to hold a pair of scissors, "You aren't a teacher. Well, you're not my teacher. You're not a preschool teacher."



"Mama, is God nice? Will he let me come visit you when I go to Heaven? I'll miss you so much when I go to Heaven, I'll want to visit you."


"Mama, Can I watch the Poodle and the Tramp?" (The Lady and the Tramp)


"Mama, can we go to Pets 'R Us to see the otters?"  (Can we go to PetSmart to see the ferrets?"


"When I'm 5 I'll be in kindergarten. I want to be in your class. I won't call you Mommy. I'll call you Mrs. Pearson. I'll listen to what you say and I'll sit criss cross. I'll raise my hand to say something. If I have a problem I'll solve it without you."


My favorite is when he wants to do something like, not take a nap, he says, "Mama, don't think about it. I'll think for you. mmmmm. I think I'll skip nap."

Jaxon's attempt at his name. Not too shabby.
 The N is above the O and looks Z-ish.


Breathing at the doctor

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