Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Best Teacher Gift

As a kindergarten teacher you get lots of gifts at Christmas and the end of year. You get things from stuffed animals to baked goods to lotion to gift cards. BUT the best is the note of gratitude from a parent. Just one little note out of 23 kids makes the entire year worth it. We go through tons of stress and hair pulling and frustrated grunts, but the minute you read the thank you note from a parent it all melts away.
Today was our last day of school and I got many thoughtful gifts (quite a few Starbucks gift cards! SCORE!), but my favorite was this note:

Ms. Pearson,
Thank you for all you've done for our son this year. You obviously care deeply for you students and as a scared parent sending my son to school all day, it eased my mind to know you were there for him. He has grown up so much this year and you have helped him become the person he is and will be. We are grateful for that.
Thanks again!
It brought tears to my eyes and I forgot about all of the times her son drove me crazy.
So, if you are the parent of a school aged child, please remember that a simple, heart-felt, sincere note is often the best gift a teacher can receive, but a Starbucks gift card never hurts :) .

1 comment:

Sarah said...

awww that is so sweet :) i got one card like that this year too. it was actually from the child and it said something like, you are a bright light in my life :) made me cry!