Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jaxon the Zoo Keeper

Jaxon LOVES animals! He loves reading books about animals, looking at pictures & playing with them. At Christmas time Santa brought him some toy horses that he won't go anywhere without. Last week, we were in Target and he spotted a set of animals and went nuts! "Mama! Efant! Hold it! Ion! Hold it! Ebra! Hold it! Translation: Elephant, Lion, Zebra. I HAD to let him hold it. Then he is going around Target telling everyone about his animals. Needless to say, I had to buy the animal set. He barely let the cashier scan it.
Anyway... He is now obsessed with these new animals. He bathes with them, sleeps with them, takes them out and about, etc, etc. Well, now he likes to put his wild animals in his Fisher Price Farm. Today we had to go to Wal-Mart and I said to Jax, "Come on. Get your elephant and lion and go to the door." Well, he not only picked up his animals he also decided the farm was going with him! Here are 3 videos of him trying to take the farm. I must warn you that the terrible twos tantrum can be seen!

All the way to Wal-Mart he boo-hooed and called for his "sharm"- farm. Then he would say, "No no Daddy. No pay sharm" Thank goodness Wal-Mart is less than 10 minutes away! Once we got there he asked for snacks and was over his sharm. He had his lion, elephant, horse and blue puppy. Life was good again.

Brian & I get such a kick out of him playing by himself and we love how his imagination is developing everyday. I have been trying to capture the moments of Jaxon playing quietly, unsuccessfully. The moment he sees the camera he comes running over and wants to watch the "baby" (which is him). This time is no different, except that I was able to interact with him and ask him some questions about his animals. He is too cute! I just can't get over how much he is talking!

PS Just checked out the last video and realized it was a little long. Sorry. BUT Jaxon says one of his favorite new phrases (which is cute sometimes) "Ummmm... NO." And the reason he is so close to the camera is because he is literally trying to climb my leg to get to the camera.

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