Saturday, May 21, 2011

Best Friends

I completely forgot about this pictures and just came across them.

On the day that Brian & I loaded up the Uhaul we sent Jaxon to his babysitter, Frances', house for one last time. Since it was Jaxon's last day Ravae (Frances' daughter who helps watch the kiddos) invited his best friend Jacob. They went to the park and to Applebee's for lunch. They had a ball. They are truly best friends and love each other so much. Leaving him has been the hardest for Jaxon. He talks about "Little" Jacob daily, it's been more than a month. Breaks my heart. I know exactly how he feels leaving his best friend. I've done many a times in my life.

I gave Ravae my camera and she took a few pictures of the two buddies together.

How cute is this? Frances had the fire hydrant in front of her house painted! Adorable!

Later that night, our friends Lynn & Jana brought over pizza and hung out for a few hours in our empty house. It was great because Jaxon was able to play with his other best friend, Bailey. These boys are awesome with Jaxon.

Notice the adoration on Jaxon's face?

Jaxon with Bailey and Riley

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