Friday, August 28, 2009

What has Jaxon Been Up To?

Wow, it has been a LONG time since I have blogged! I feel as if I am neglecting my blogger friends. I have good reason. I started working full-time at the beginning of August and have barely even had time to breathe. To be totally honest, I hate it! I have been exhausted and hardly get to spend time with the two loves of my life. It does not help that the kids are in school from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm., so I don't get home until 5:00 and Jaxon goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:00. Crappy! Well, SUPER news for me! I have a new jobsharing partner! She starts on Monday and I could not be happier! More time with my baby and my blog. All is right with the world again! Onto the latest and greatest with Jaxon...

First, two weekends ago, I went to Chicago for a girls trip with my friend Rebecca.

This meant that Brian was in charge of Jaxon ALL BY HIMSELF! I didn't even make "sub plans"! Well, ok, I did freeze a few meals for Jaxon, I mean, I didn't want him eating Sour Patch Kids for dinner! Anyway, while I was away Brian & Jaxon are playing and Jax starts acting silly. Brian says to him, "Are you being a ding dong?" Jaxon replies, "Dong dong." O my! This opened Brian's eyes a bit to the reason why he should not use his colorful language around our son. Thank God he didn't repeat some of Brian's other favorite words!
This month we were lucky enough to have Lola come visit TWICE! She has been such a great help with Jaxon, I just cannot thank her enough. I am not sure how well Lola is going to stick though. Whenever Jaxon sees her he says, "Tata" He only says that to her, so we'll see what she ends up being called.

Yes, Jaymee, they are dressed alike, jeans and all! And no, it was NOT planned!

"Yes, Jax, those are teeth."
He may not look like he is happy to be being held by "Tata", but I promise he loves her!

While my mom was here Jaxon learned how to open doors (no, she did not teach him this)! The other day he opened the back door, looked at me and Brian, waved bye-bye and started walking out! Needless to say, we will be doing yet another round of Jaxon-proofing! We should really have been better prepared for the toddler stage. Parents-of-the-Year I tell ya!
The biggest question I get about Jaxon is, "Is he talking yet?" Sure enough he is trying! Here are the most important words in his life.
Ees = Please
Mama = Mama
Dop = Drop
Choos = Shoes
Do (dog without the g) = Dog
Hi = Hi
Yeah = Yeah
Up = Up
Uh (accompanied by a slap to the forehead!) = Uh oh
Ep = Help
Jax is also doing a little bit of sign language! Most of his signs revolve around food, not surprising since Jaxon is ALWAYS eating! He signs, all done, please, more, eat, up, and water. We are now really working on help and thank you.
This little guy never ceases to amaze us! It is fascinating to watch him grow and learn new things daily. I am thrilled to be working part-time again, I hate missing all of the wonderful moments.

1 comment:

Jaymee said...

Glad to hear the Pearson boys survived... I know they missed "The Mom".
BTW- your mom and Jax are TOO cute their matching yellow, planned or not: )