Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Yipee! I finished! I did 30 posts in 30 days. Go me! Props to my friends Nicole & Ami who also finished NaBloPoMo 2010. Way to go Girls!

Monday, November 29, 2010


I'm home from Tucson after spending 5 days with my family. Now I am back home sans Jaxon. Brian & I decided to let him stay in Tucson for a few extra days with my parents. Brian will bring him back on Thursday. Not sure who's idea this was originally or why I agreed, but the house is too quiet and I feel like I am missing my right arm. I miss my boy something fierce and it's only been 5 hours since I last saw him!

Thankfully, my lists will get me through! I have several lists going of things to be accomplished in the next 3 days... Where to go on Thursday (my day off), What TV episodes to watch on DVR, What computer work needs to be done, Which Christmas Decorations need to be put up, etc, etc. Yes, I know I have OCD when it comes to lists.

Anywho, last night I set up the timer on my camera and attempted to get a good picture of the entire family. Sigh. That was a LOT of work!

Attempt #1:
Jax isn't looking (typical) and Jose & Brian are making faux gang signs (seriously? How old are they!?!)

Attempt #2:
Jax is screaming because he wants to sit on my lap & Jose looks like he's trying to channel the devil.

Attempt # 5 (there were a few more in between the two)
The best of the bunch, but of course, my grandma is not looking. Sigh.

My mom and her kids.

Jose & Jaxon

LOVE him to pieces!

I was so happy to be with my family on Thanksgiving and so grateful to spend a few days with my grandmother and aunt. I'm happy that my son is able to get to know his great grandma & great aunt. Thank you Abuela & Titi for visiting! Hopefully there will be a trip to Puerto Rico in the not-so-distant future so he can spend time with the rest of his family. This trip made me even more excited for this summer. I CANNOT wait to finally be living in Tucson and having family time much more often.

Tomorrow is the last day of NaBloPoMo! Yeehaw!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


With only 2 days left of NaBloPoMo I have run out of things to blog about. So today I have a story that may be TMI, but funny nontheless.
We started the painful, slow, process of potty training a few months ago. Like all moms who have potty trained before me, treats are the way to go when Jaxon goes. And like all moms with toddlers know that the moment you walk into the bathroom to go by yourself, your toddler, no matter how occupied & quiet he may be, decides he needs you. It's like they have a radar, the moment you walk into the bathroom and unbutton your pants.. BAM! There's your kid!
Not too long ago, I snuck away to the bathroom and a little person quickly followed. As I am doing my business, Jaxon says, "Mama, you going poop? I wipe your butt and give you a treat!"
There you go.TMI. Sorry.
2 more days to go! Yipee!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Day after Thanksgiving

The Day after Thanksgiving was spent with my grandma and Aunt. The 3 of us took Jaxon to the Reid Park Zoo for a little bit.

Love this picture! I've never seen a giraffe drink water. Quite a sight.
Our good friend's (Brooks) grandfather has a bench in his honor at the zoo. Of course Jax had to have his picture taken on it! Jaxon & the tiger, "He no eat me!"Checking out the crocodile with Titi Wanda. "He no bite me!"

"I no go in der."

Once home the adults played an intense game of Parcheesi (and enjoyed a few frosty beverages).

While we played, Jaxon stole our dice and built dice towers

27 Days down 3 more to go!!!

Can you hear my excitement?

Friday, November 26, 2010


Once again, Thanksgiving was spent in Tucson at my parent's house. My dad's mom & sister came from Puerto Rico to celebrate. We also had Brian's mom and our good friends the Lopez Family. There were two highlights for me... Jaxon said grace & we got a good family picture!!! Yahoo! You will all see it on our Christmas card. :) So excited!
The day before Thanksgiving my grandmother gave Jaxon a giant, roaring, stomping T-Rex!

We spent the morning of Thanksgiving watching the parade & practicing pedaling skills.

The table

Sneak Peak at dinner with Lola

Grammy Sue, Brian & Jaxon

Our attempt at an Uncle-Nephew picture. Neither one would participate

Abu, Jaxon & Abuela Chefa

The Puerto Ricans!

Jaxon & Joaquin

Ready to say grace

Enjoying Dinner
My Godmother & only Aunt

Natalia made these adorable little Oreo Turkeys. May be our craft next year...Jaxon was a fan of the turkeys

Playing with Titi Wanda & Abuela Chefa

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you have all taken some time to reflect on the many blessings in your life. I have and would like to share with you.

I am thankful for...
I'm not sure how I ever lived without him in my life. He really puts things in perspective for me and teaches me the important things in life. I love him more than I have ever loved anything.


He can make me absolutely crazy at times, but I love him to pieces. He works so hard to provide a nice, comfortable life for us and I couldn't be more grateful. He puts up with all of my "neurosis" (as he calls them) and still loves me. He is the BEST father I could have ever hoped for my son.

My parents.
They will do anything for me & my little family without thinking twice. They are 2 of the best people I have ever met. They are kindhearted, generous & selfless. As Brian says, "They are good peeps."

Sue is a wonderful mother-in-law and I am happy to call her family. I am so grateful that we get along and that we actually enjoy each other's company (I know not many can say this about their in-laws!) She has had a rough year, but I'm so happy she is "fixed" (Jaxon's words).

My brother.
Yes, he is wacky, but I love him. Life in the Rios house would be quite dull without him around. He is like my parents, kind, loving & loyal. Jose has a heart of gold.

As much as she is naughty, she is loving & patient. She loves the 3 of us unconditionally. She puts up with all of Jaxon's antics with a "smile" on her face. She has really embraced going blind well. She has adjusted wonderfully.

Stryker is the company Brian is now working for. I am thankful to them for hiring Brian and for giving us the opportunity to move back to Tucson, something that wasn't happening at his other company.

My school.
I work with a great group of ladies. They are so supportive of each other. I love that I am able to work part-time. It is the best of both worlds. I am really going to miss that when we move.

This may sound weird since all I have wanted to do since we moved here was move away, but I am happy living here (I will be happier in Tucson however). I love all of the things we have been able to do with Jaxon... Gymboree, the Zoo, the Aquarium, Museum of Natural History, Balloon Fiesta etc. I love how living here has made us independent of our family. The only people Brian & I have to rely on is each other and it has made our marriage stronger. We have also made some good friends here that I will be sad to leave behind.

Our Health.
Yes, we have had our battles with health, but I am thankful everyday that we made it through, not everyone is so lucky.

As shallow as this may sound I am extremely thankful for Target, Starbucks, Pei Wei, Ulta, Chick-fil-A, & Old Navy. I truly love all of these places and frequent most of them weekly. I am so thankful that I am able to take Jaxon to lunch once a week or stop at Starbucks on my way to work or cruise Target just because. I know that I am very blessed and don't take that for granted.

It's almost over! Only 5 more days and I am thankful for that!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

Today, Jaxon & I flew to Tucson to see "Rora & Abu & Grammy Sue"! I have one excited little boy on my hands. As an extra bonus he also gets to see Abuela Chefa & Titi Wanda (my paternal grandmother & aunt).
Safety First!
He talked to EVERYONE! "You going on pwane? I going on pwane! I going to Tucson to see Rora. I take off! You take off too?" and on and on and on. I'm surprise someone sat next to us!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What Is Going on Here?

Interesting things tend to happen while I am getting ready in the morning. Today it was this...
Yes, those are 2 hangers and sunglasess around his mid-section
Hmm... Not quite sure what to make of this.
The funniest part was that when I first saw him, he was butt naked!

It all made sense (not the naked part) when he said, "I Buzz Yightyear. I fying!"

23 down only 7 to go!

Monday, November 22, 2010

"Papi's Dirty!"

You have all heard of Jaxon's beloved blue puppy or "PAAPI" as he calls him. You also know that Jaxon does not go anywhere (except the babysitter's) without Papi, he cannot sleep without puppy, he cannot live without puppy! You have also probably heard how I have had gone MILES out of my way to get a forgotten puppy. We are terrified of losing Papi somewhere.My mom found AN IDENTICAL blue puppy on Ebay, broke down and bought one. We were DYING to know if Jaxon would know a difference or if it would be an even exhange.

new puppy on left, old puppy on right
Can you tell a difference?

Yeah. It was a dis-as-ter! I gave Jaxon the new puppy, he took one look at it and FREAKED OUT! "Papi's dirty! go wash him. He's dirty!" and threw it at me! I quickly pretended to wash puppy and gave him the original, "Dat's bedder." We have tried exhanging puppies numerous times and each time it's the same, "Papi's dirty! Go wash him!" I have NO idea why he says or thinks puppy is dirty, he just is and wants nothing to do with him.

Yes, new puppy is a bit fluffier than old

And yes, I washed new puppy a dozen times and even slept with him for a month. There is just no replacing Papi.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Then and Now

Then we used to take relaxing, peaceful vacations to far-away lands & close-to-home lands.

Now we are a small, happy family of three.

Then he was a teeny 4 pound, quiet,easy baby

Now he is a dinosaur-lovin', loud, active, loveable, 27 + pound boy (don't call him a baby! He will set you straight!)

21 down 9 to go!